filled out / fɪl /


filled out4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make full; put as much as can be held into: to fill a jar with water.
  2. to occupy to the full capacity: Water filled the basin. The crowd filled the hall.
  3. to supply to an extreme degree or plentifully: to fill a house with furniture; to fill the heart with joy.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become full: The hall filled rapidly. Our eyes filled with tears.
  2. to increase in atmospheric pressure: a filling cyclone.
  3. to become distended, as sails with the wind.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a full supply; enough to satisfy want or desire: to eat one's fill.
  2. an amount of something sufficient for filling; charge.
  3. Civil Engineering, Building Trades. a quantity of earth, stones, etc., for building up the level of an area of ground: These houses were built on fill.Compare backfill.
  4. the feed and water in the digestive tract of a livestock animal, especially that consumed before marketing.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. fill away, Nautical. to fall off the wind and proceed on a brace the yards, so that sails that have been aback will stand full.
  2. fill in, to supply missing or desired information: Fill in the facts of your business complete by adding detail, as a design or drawing: to fill in a sketch with substitute for: to fill in for a colleague who is fill with some material: to fill in a crack with supply with information: Please fill me in on the morning news.
  3. fill out, to complete by supplying missing or desired become larger, fuller, or rounder, as the figure: The children have begun to fill out since I saw them last.
  4. fill up, to fill completely: to fill up a glass; to fill up a fuel become completely filled: The riverbed filled up as a result of the steady rains.

filled out 近义词

v. 动词 verb


filled out 的近义词 5
v. 动词 verb


filled out构成的短语

  • filled to the brim
  • fill in
  • fill out
  • fill someone's shoes
  • fill the bill
  • back and fill
  • get one's fill of

更多filled out例句

  1. I ate my fill of dulce de leche ice cream with a plastic spoon as it grew cool and viscous at the edges and felt like I’d won a prize.
  2. The top of the pad is constructed with 400 thread count 100 percent cotton fabric, and the pad is filled with alternative down fill.
  3. It’s made from shredded memory foam that is easily added to, using extra fill to customize the shape and support specific areas.
  4. There are also latex fill pillows, which are reasonably firm and will hold their shape.
  5. The package even comes with a separate fill bag, so you won’t need to place another order.
  6. But politicians abhor a rhetorical vacuum, and they have clamored to fill it.
  7. His regular partner was late that day, and Police Officer Wenjian Liu volunteered to fill in.
  8. They are afflicted with “progressive spiritual emptiness,” he said, which no amount of academic honors and degrees can fill.
  9. It got so bad, that the school resorted to “Groupon-like services” to fill seats.
  10. They were allowed to bring one bag per family, which most fill with food.
  11. To fill up the time till Liszt came, our hostess made us play, one after the other, beginning with the latest arrival.
  12. It was not an exalted niche to fill in life, but at least she had learned to fill it to perfection, and her ambitions were modest.
  13. It's good for nothing but to choke a man and fill him full of smoke and embers.
  14. “Now this is what I call real felicity,” observed the major, pulling out a pipe which he proceeded to fill.
  15. There was a moment's pause, and Doa Inez returned into the saloon, which was now beginning rapidly to fill.